It’s summer time.
We are half way through the year. If you set annual goals, are working on things or working towards something, it’s a great time to check in. It’s also a great time to enjoy some vacation. Enjoy a slower pace. While in your summer mindset, take some white space. Think about Re-scheduling Your Schedule For White Space to reflect on you, your plans, your goals and your results.
Execution is one of the five steps of the Pivotal Leadership Model. Execution, or getting it done, is often missing part of the result and your best success. Goals factor in here; it’s both the setting of them and the writing of them down that matters. Successful execution correlates to goals, discipline, self-management, teamwork, resilience and communication. Goals are the foundation to successful execution.
"A dream or plan without goals remains just that."
What’s in a goal?
Goal defined:the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. We all have goals. We set goals to have a good day, to have the right mindset, to get a project done, to not get frustrated with a family member or team member, to go on a dream vacation, to spend time with family and friends, to try a new restaurant, to get active, to eat healthy, to have more fun, to get a new job, to retire ….. our list can be endless.
The goals for today are easier goals. The goals for a year or for 5 years are harder. Bigger goals or longer-term goals take planning. In planning your goal, you define what you want, what actions you’ll need to take, what you need to learn, who can help you and what steps are involved. The bigger the goal, the more planning to be done.
Goals are about both having them and writing them down. Athletes are the best examples of professionals who realize goals, in both their profession and life. Athletes work on their health, mindset, skills and practice every day. They have a goal, a plan and at least one coach. They know their best success comes from within themselves and they are relentless in the work and discipline to realize their goals.
"Your best success is realized with a goals habit."
Getting things done
In every Pivotal Coaching workshop I incorporate an action plan that embodies SMART goals. The feedback I get is that people are not consistently getting to goal setting in their work habits. I encourage you to work on a goal habit.
Where to start?
The first step is setting a goal. Three goals. That’s the maximum number of goals you should set. Three personal and three professional. Any more than that and our ability to focus and work on them gets diminished. If you’ve set SMART goals, those three goals can be robust. There are also the associated tactics to go along with your goal. The tactics are especially important for your big goals.
Your goal habit
Here’s how your goals will evolve:

To further support your success, consider sharing your goals. Two things that make an increased impact to goal realization is writing them down and telling someone about them. If you find your execution is falling off, ask for help. Leverage your friends, family and network. Find an accountability partner. A coach is always a great accountability partner.
Tracking and reviewing are important. This is the measure part of evolving your goal work. For many of us, it’s putting it in our tasks or calendars. Others find and use a mantra that remains displayed in a prominent place. If you are working on a habit and need check-ins, there’s an app for that (Some recommended options). Habits are the hardest to change. Relationships are a habit. Leadership is a habit. Results are a habit. New habits are hard work. The resulting new habit and realizing of a goal are an amazing feeling and worthy of the effort you put into them.
Goal toolbox
The first thing that’s a must for your goal success is mindset. You have to see the potential yourself and want to realize it (see What If You Could Be Even Better?).The good news on your goal toolbox is there are tons of tools and resources to support your goal skills. I like the Kikki products to support habit work. Finding the goal and habit tool that work well for you and your style may take a little experimentation.
My personal approach is a combination of a journal dedicated to goals and planning, calendar reminders and folders with documents I work on for planning and tactics. My improvement opportunity is to work on Step #6, Celebrating Success. I tend to blow through a goal and get working on the next one. My sharing about my first year of business in Moments of Success was a very enjoyable time. I promise to write this again next year as many of you shared with me how much you appreciated my transparency and learning about Pivotal Coaching and Lisa W. Haydon’s work and goal realization. I of course work with several coaches for my own development.
I have a toolbox of other resources I use with my clients. Connect with me if you are interested in any of them. Even better, please share with me your best practices and tools!
The middle ground
The mid point of the race or project can be the hardest point. Your energy and commitment may be taxed. Draw on your growth mindset and engage your discipline to get you to the year end finish line. Go back to your Why; this is what will keep you fueled for your work ahead. Enjoy checking in on your goals. Be energized by planning for the future. Be intentional in working on your best leadership.
"Take in your progress, resilience and success. Make goals the habit of your success."

Lisa W. Haydon is a high business acumen leader, credentialed sales professional, and executive coach. Lisa has led teams and clients in industries such as banking, commercial lending, capital markets, technology, consulting, and professional services. Her hands-on experience in executing change and growth mandates enhances client results. She is known for delivering transformational results with diagnostic tools, consulting and coaching.
Lisa is the founder of Pivotal Coaching, which specializes in sales effectiveness and leadership development services for companies optimistic and ambitious about growth. More information is available on the Pivotal Coaching website. For more on its proprietary diagnostic tool, visit our services page.
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